Thursday, September 4, 2008

A Rough Day at Dr. Thomas's Office

This afternoon, we had to go back to Dr. Thomas our pediatrician for the girls. Ella has been showing signs of asthma for awhile now. This past weekend she had a coughing fit so bad it made her sick. So I knew I needed to bring her in. Well, this morning when Mia woke up her left eye was gunky again, the same sign as the two times before that she has an ear infection. Since we finished her second antibiotic on Sunday, I had to make the call. Sure enough, Mia's right ear, the same one that has been bad for a month now, is still bad. This meant we have to get three injections of antibiotic. First was today and then one scheduled for Friday and Saturday. Back to Ella, her eczema has gotten worse, and yes, she has asthma. Hopefully, we think we can treat it with a once a day pill, Singulair. I have had a hard time with both diagnosis' today, I am fearful of what Ella's asthma can bring. Both Jacob and I are huge sports people, I played sports all my life. Is this going to affect her playing sports? I also had terrible ear infections growing up so I know how Mia feels. I want so badly to take the pain away. But I trust that God has His sovereign plan. These diagnosis are trivial. The diagnosis wasn't autism, wasn't cancer, wasn't a multitude of more serious things. I can be thankful for that. I know that God created these girls perfectly according to His plan. I can be thankful that I have God to lean on in times like this where I am uncertain of what the future brings for my babies. I am thankful, there is so much peace in knowing that God is in control. I pray that Dr. Thomas was right when he said that taking care of things today will take care of things in the future. I pray that all parents can learn to lean on God in these types of situations, knowing that the love and comfort of my Father is there can get me through even the worst of days.

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