Friday, April 18, 2008

10 Things you didn't know about me

This was Jaime's idea so I thought I would give it a shot. I'm a pretty candid person so I'm not sure if I can come up with 10 things.

1. I was born after a tornado ripped the roof off my parents' apartment. The doctor said the pressure changes in the atmosphere induced labor. I was born two weeks early.

2. My dad was Canadian eh?

3. Sometimes I think I have chronic fatigue but then I realize I have an almost 3 year old, an infant and a new business!

4. I can't pick a favorite anything because I am to indecisive.

5. I was the "fat" kid in school until I started 9th grade having lost 75 pounds.

6. I didn't know I had curly (okay wavy) hair until I was 23. I always thought I had to blow dry it!

7. I wish I could be more "crafty". I don't know how some moms do it! Where do they find time and money to scrapbook, knit, sew, bake cupcakes, photoshop etc.

8. I have the most amazing husband and I am pretty sure that I would be divorced if he were somebody else. I seriously ask God why He gave me Jacob because I know that I didn't deserve him. But I am grateful He did!

9. Ella watches to much TV. Good thing we cancelled cable. I will miss PBS kids.

10. I am now very paranoid Dream Dinners is going to be broken into. Good thing we have good insurance!

There I came up with 10, although alot of people would probably already know some of these! I did my best!

The ground shook!

This morning God decided that I needed to wake up at 5:39 am! Most people are already talking about it but this was my first earthquake. It was quite loud. Jacob was in the shower so he didn't even feel it. The girls didn' wake up either to which I am thankful. I am also glad that nobody has reportedly been hurt.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008