Friday, April 18, 2008

10 Things you didn't know about me

This was Jaime's idea so I thought I would give it a shot. I'm a pretty candid person so I'm not sure if I can come up with 10 things.

1. I was born after a tornado ripped the roof off my parents' apartment. The doctor said the pressure changes in the atmosphere induced labor. I was born two weeks early.

2. My dad was Canadian eh?

3. Sometimes I think I have chronic fatigue but then I realize I have an almost 3 year old, an infant and a new business!

4. I can't pick a favorite anything because I am to indecisive.

5. I was the "fat" kid in school until I started 9th grade having lost 75 pounds.

6. I didn't know I had curly (okay wavy) hair until I was 23. I always thought I had to blow dry it!

7. I wish I could be more "crafty". I don't know how some moms do it! Where do they find time and money to scrapbook, knit, sew, bake cupcakes, photoshop etc.

8. I have the most amazing husband and I am pretty sure that I would be divorced if he were somebody else. I seriously ask God why He gave me Jacob because I know that I didn't deserve him. But I am grateful He did!

9. Ella watches to much TV. Good thing we cancelled cable. I will miss PBS kids.

10. I am now very paranoid Dream Dinners is going to be broken into. Good thing we have good insurance!

There I came up with 10, although alot of people would probably already know some of these! I did my best!

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